Forests and Climate Change ProgrammeTechnical Cooperation (TC Module)
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For the purpose of supporting the implementation of the government programme on social forestry in North Kalimantan, FORCLIME facilitates the Forest Management Unit of Malinau (KPH Malinau) preparing a proposal for forestry partnership, one of the Social Forestry programme schemes. On 12 March 2020, FORCLIME organized a meeting to assist the KPH Malinau and two farmer groups, Bela Saan and Bie Nang Mandiri from Setulang Village, preparing a proposal on forestry partnership. The developed proposal will be submitted to the Ministry of Environment and Forestry by the KPH Malinau.
For more information, please contact:
Novita Andes Nurdiana, Technical Adviser on Social Forestry
Mohammad Sidiq, Coordinator North Kalimantan province
Aiming to strengthen the forest management unit (KPH) to improve forest governance, a guideline is necessary in the function of direction to collaborate and coordinate with other relevant parties in managing the natural resources. Therefore, the Province Environment and Forestry Service, supported by FORCLIME, invited KPH in West Kalimantan (i.e. KPH Kubu Raya and KPH Mempawah), and development partners who have activities in the province to discuss and prepare a roadmap for KPH operations in West Kalimantan on 13 March 2020 in Pontianak. KPH Roadmap is a document that will guide KPHs to implement their planned activities, which also serves as a directive for other relevant stakeholders to improve the quality of forest management.
At the end of the meeting, participants agreed on the outline of KPH roadmap, using the KPH Forum to synergize and harmonize join plans, placing KPH Secretariat at the office of the Environment and Forestry Service.
For further information, please contact:
Jumtani, Coordinator West Kalimantan Province
Aiming to improve the quality of forest management, the West Kalimantan provincial government conducted a focused group discussion to prepare a governor’s regulation on cooperation procedures in forest utilization, which is mandated from the West Kalimantan Regulation (Perda) No. 8/2019. The regulation development aims to strengthen the role of forest management units (Kesatuan Pengelolaan Hutan-KPH) in managing their area. The discussion was carried out on 12 March 2020 in Pontianak. Representatives of the provincial government agencies (Legal Bureau, Financial Agency, Environment and Forestry Service, KPH in West Kalimantan), the Technical Units of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (BPHP, BPDAS), academics, development partners (UNDP and ADB projects) attended the meeting.
The meeting result is a draft of governor’s regulation, which will further be discussed with wider stakeholders.
For more information, please contact:
Jumtani, Coordinator West Kalimantan Province
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