Forests and Climate Change ProgrammeTechnical Cooperation (TC Module)
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The Lore Lindu Biosphere Reserve was launched by the Man and the Biosphere - United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (MAB-UNESCO) Programme in 1977 across four districts (Poso, Sigi, Donggala, Parigi Moutong) and Palu City in Central Sulawesi and covers a total area of around 1.67 million hectares. To ensure that this biosphere reserve continues to function in accordance with its determination, MAB-UNESCO organizes a Periodic Review of the reserve every 10 years, and a review of the Lore Lindu Biosphere Reserve (LLBR) is scheduled for 2023.
FORCLIME has been supporting the Coordination and Communication Forum of Lore Lindu Biosphere Reserve during preparations for the Periodic Review since 2022. These preparations got underway with the collection of data and synchronization of programme activities, which were subsequently followed up by a meeting that aimed to build commitment in relation to sustainable development.
This series of meetings was organized to ensure that the LLBR Periodic Review document fulfilled its main objectives regarding areas that are aiming to balance, synergize and harmonize the interests of biodiversity conservation with the interests of sustainable economic development. The meetings are also supporting developments in science, technology, innovation, education, research, monitoring and increased human-resource capacity. With these goals in mind, an FGD was held on 21 September 2023 in Palu City in order to prepare a Draft Periodic Review of the Lore Lindu Biosphere Reserve. The event was opened by the Chairman of the Coordination and Communication Forum of the Lore Lindu Biosphere Reserve, who was being represented by Dr. Moh Saleh NL.
The meeting addressed the various activities that have been carried out by the relevant agencies and related parties within the Lore Lindu Biosphere Reserve area and whether said activities have ultimately had a positive impact on the overall sustainability of the Lore Lindu Biosphere Reserve. In addition, the meeting also addressed whether these activities have been able to provide a better picture of the management achievements of the Lore Lindu Biosphere Reserve within the context of Central Sulawesi’s natural resources and society.
The results of the FGD will be compiled into a draft Periodic Review document that will be presented to the relevant stakeholders during a workshop. This workshop will solicit inputs aimed at the improvement of the Periodic Review document for the Lore Lindu Biosphere Reserve, prior to the submission of the document to MAB-UNESCO.
For more information, please contact:
Arif Hidayat, Junior Forestry and Biodiversity Advisor
Ismet Khaeruddin, Senior Adviser for Biodiversity Focal Point for the KFW Forest Program 3 and Provincial Coordinator for Central Sulawesi
The Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) held the Environment, Climate, Forestry and New Renewable Energy (LIKE) Festival at the Indonesia Arena, Gelora Bung Karno, Jakarta on 16 - 18 September 2023. This activity was part of the Road to COP 28 UNFCCC series, which will continue in Dubai, UAE at the end of November 2023. Various activities enlivened the LIKE Festival 2023, including exhibitions, demonstrations of innovations, meetings between sellers and buyers, coaching clinics and competitions, as well as various cultural, artistic and musical performances. The LIKE Festival climaxed on 18 September 2023 when President Joko Widodo paid a visit.
FORCLIME, working in conjunction with several GIZ Indonesia and ASEAN projects, specifically: PROPEAT, CASE, CLARITY, SASCI+ and Climate Biodiversity Hub (CLARITY), participated in the exhibition, organizing activities and project achievements that related to the themes of environment, forestry and energy. Indonesia’s Deputy Minister of Environment and Forestry, Mr. Alue Dohong, PhD., had the opportunity to visit the GIZ Indonesia and ASEAN booths, accompanied by the Director General for the Conservation of Natural Resources and Ecosystems, the Functional Official Policy Analyst Senior Adviser and the Director of Conservation Forest Environmental Services Utilization. During his visit, Mr. Dohong made a statement affirming that the activities being carried out by GIZ are supporting the National Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMN), particularly the achievement of KLHK targets, and it is hoped that GIZ will continue to support the Indonesian Government, especially within the fields of environment, climate, forestry and energy.
The website of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry features information on the LIKE Festival and explains that the goal of the festival is to introduce various work actualization and policy corrective steps, as well as to address their implementation within the forestry and environmental sectors in line with the following principles: (1) Community support and encouraging people to become productive through management access to social forests; (2) Increasing environmental restoration efforts through indicators that address deforestation controls, tree-planting efforts and management, and the replication of ecosystems, as well as the protection of conservation areas and wildlife and their ecosystems; (3) Increasing the productivity of the business world in line with national and regional economic growth, developing villages as centers of growth by partnering with the business world and communities in order to balance productivity; (4) Exploring resources in line with the development of New Renewable Energy (EBT); and (5) Utilizing technology in line with productivity, and economic and environmental sustainability efforts through planning, implementation and monitoring via reliable systems.
For further information, please contact:
Pipin Permadi, Senior Adviser for Forest Policy and Strategic Planning and Liaison Officer
Referring to the regulation of the Head of the Human Resources Extension and Development Agency (BP2SDM) of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry P.5/P2SDM/SET/KUM.1/7/2020, basic budget and bylaws (AD/ART) documents are one of the important requirements for institutional assessments of forest farmers’ groups. AD/ART comprise sets of rules that must be drawn up as guidelines for use during the management of an organization. These documents should set out a clear path that can be navigated by forest farmers’ group organizations, while the existence of said documents confirm that a given forest farmers’ group is a complete organization.
Therefore, after identifying the Maroti farmers’ group in Yanggandur Village, one of the villages that is currently being supported by the Wasur National Park and FORCLIME in Merauke Regency, South Papua, Theodorus Tethool S.Sos., a village facilitator, assisted in the process of preparing an AD/ART for the Maroti farmers’ group on 12 – 13 September 2023 in Yanggandur Village.
It is hoped that through this mentoring and guidance process, the community's economy will be stimulated and empowered through the utilization of non-timber forest products. KTH Moruti is a new farmers’ group that has not yet been categorized as Beginner Class. The AD/ART that is currently being drafted will ultimately become a guide for use by the group and, in addition, should become a catalyst for improving the category class of KTH Moruti.
For further information, please contact:
Theodorus Tethool, Yanggandur Village Facilitator
Ruben Yogi, GIS and Mapping Advisor
Rut Ohoiwutun, Community Forest and Customary Forest Advisor
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