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 Forests and Climate Change Programme
 Technical Cooperation (TC Module)
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 Forests and Climate Change Programme
 Technical Cooperation (TC Module)
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 Forests and Climate Change Programme
 Technical Cooperation (TC Module)

What we do

FORCLIME provides assistance relating to human-resource capacity development at both the national and sub-national levels in order to support sustainable forest management that benefits and that contributes to the welfare of communities, as well as resulting in reductions in greenhouse-gas emissions from the Indonesian forestry sector. FORCLIME’s assistance focuses on (1) Development of policies and standards with due regard to human-resource capacity development within the forestry sector; (2) Strengthening of the management capacities of training and educational institutions (particularly the Center of Environment and Forestry Education and Training in Bogor, the Regional Training Center in Makassar and local universities); and (3) Development of training programmes that relate to Forest Management Units (FMU), Social Forestry and climate change mitigation within the forestry sector through classical training and blended learning.

FORCLIME’s assistance is in line with the Government of Indonesia’s policy to improve human-resource capacities within the forestry sector so as to be able to face the various challenges of globalization within the ASEAN Economic Community. This is also in line with our development agenda, which addresses development planning (RPJM) for the 2020 – 2024 period, including, ‘the enhancement of qualified and competitive human resources’.

Future forest education and training programs developed and supported by FORCLIME apply the Competence-Based Training (CBT) approach in accordance with the Indonesian National Qualifications Framework (Kerangka Kualifikasi Nasional Indonesia - KKNI), as stipulated under Presidential Decree No. 8 of 2012 and Indonesian National Occupational Competency Standards (Standar Kompetensi Kerja Nasional Indonesia - SKKNI) for the forestry sector. Under the CBT approach, education and training programmes focus on the development of competencies (skills) in accordance with competence standards for each respective position.

Our goals

In the strategic area of Human Capacity Development, FORCLIME’s objective is to ensure that local forest workers and representatives of local communities become capable of managing their forests sustainably.

The following indicators will be used in order to measure progress in relation to this objective by 2023:

  1. 70% of 1000 participants in six newly developed and published training modules at national or regional forest training centres have, according to their own assessments, improved their competences in forest management;
  2. 60% of 1000 local forest workers and representatives of local communities through exchange and peer learning on sustainable forest management apply what they have learnt in practice.
  3. Geographic Information Center is established and capable of providing capacity-building services in mapping and remote sensing for forestry human resources in Tanah Papua

How we work

FORCLIME advisors, supported by consultants, are facilitating processes that relate to the strengthening of the management capacities of education and training institutions (particularly the CEFET in Bogor and the Regional Environmental, Forestry Training Center in Makassar and local universities) and are also facilitating processes that relate to the so-called ‘elevator system’. Under the elevator system, a top-down process is being applied in an effort to strengthen the role of the Center of Environment and Forestry Education and Training (CEFET) in the development of training systems, the training of professional lecturers (widya iswara) and the provision of technical support for education and training institutions within the regions. A bottom-up process is also being applied in relation to decentralized education and training across the regions through cooperation with BDLHK Makassar. Lessons learned from the regions will be used in order to improve teaching materials and policies at the central level. In this bottom-up process, other stakeholders are also being encouraged to participate and provide inputs in order to improve the policies and teaching materials developed by the CEFET in Bogor.

in cooperation with ministry of forestry and environment Supported By:
Cooperation - Republic of Indonesia and Federal Republic of GermanyImplemented-by-giz